Preserving meat quality with antioxidants

Lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation

An article published by Durand et al. in 2012 provides elements on the oxidation phenomena during the meat transformation process.

The authors describe the lipid peroxidation, which alters the cell membranes function (permeability, fluidity...) and the protein oxidation which decreases digestibility as a result of the loss of amino acids bioavailability.

These oxidation mechanisms are responsible for the degradation of meat nutritional qualities (PUFAs and vitamins loss) as well as sensory qualities (odour, rancidity, discoloration). Oxidation is also responsible for the appearance of undesirable and human health harmful compounds.

Antioxidants to the rescue

Antioxidants help to fight against these external aggressions. Mainly provided by food, they neutralize free radicals, by being oxidized themselves .

Durand et al. noticed that grass-feed ruminants are better protected from lipid peroxidation, because grass has a high vitamin E content, among other antioxidants.

The protective effect of vitamin E on the oxidation of proteins has not been confirmed yet, although oxidation was slowed through an artificial model system, in the framework of the “DREAM” European project.

Vitamin E lipophilic character could explain that.

The combination of hydro and lipophilic antioxidants

Consequently, Durand et al. underline the importance of combining vitamin E, fat-soluble, with water-soluble natural or synthetic antioxidants in order to increase their effect.

Indeed, the combination of different sources of antioxidants can limit the input of a single source (which could be harmful in supra-nutritional doses) and improves the tissues oxidative stability.

Source: DURAND D., GOBERT M. et GATELLIER P. ; 2012 ; Effect of meat processes on lipid and protein oxidation: mechanisms, conse-quences and prevention; 14th annual conference on Muscles Sciences and Meat Technologies – Caen, France.